Wednesday Nights from 6:15 - 7:45 pm

All are welcome! If you have any questions please email us at [email protected].

This information is available in printable versions at the bottom of the page. 


Awana Clubs - Because kids matter to God - *Awana and the Awana logo are Registered Trademarks of Awana Clubs International. Used by permission.


Our program covers the following ages:

· AwanaBees program with Ms. Lisa, (ages 2-3)

· Cubbies (pre-schoolers 3-4 years old)

· Sparks (Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade)

· Truth and Training (3rd-6th grade)

Open Registration on Wednesdays during church supper. (5:30 PM to 6:15 PM)

Thank you for enrolling your child in our program. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:15pm-7:45pm. Awana, a child discipleship program, is designed to help your child learn the importance of salvation and move them toward spiritual maturity in their relationship with Christ. In the Awana Handbooks, the Bible is presented from cover-to-cover, highlighting individuals who walked with God. Our goal is for the children to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ according to His will.


Club Segments, Kids must attend all three segments: Small Group TIme; Large Group Time; Activity Time


Club 4-1-1

DROP OFF/PICK UP area for all clubbers is in the Fellowship Hall. Please escort your little ones into the building. We will only release clubbers to parents or authorized adults. It’s important for Awana leaders to dismiss your child upon pick up, so please help us enforce this.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: A child must complete the Entrance Booklet for his/her level and attend two meetings before receiving a vest/jersey and handbook. Uniforms and handbooks are parents' responsibility.

AWANA eUpdates: Stay connected via email and receive the most recent club updates. This e-newsletter is sent out at least twice a month. Be sure your email is updated on your registration form.

AWANA Bees & Cubbies: Parents must remain on campus while these little ones attend their meeting. Cubbies must be potty trained.


Club Rules

Please go over the following rules with your child:


2. RESPECT each other.

3. RESPECT yourself.


Helpful Details:

• Clubbers must bring their handbook and be in uniform every week.

• Clubbers should be ready to recite their memory verse at every meeting.

• It is essential that handbook sections be completed at home.

• Please do not allow your child to bring chewing gum, snacks, or toys to Awana, unless otherwise instructed.

• Non-essential use of personal electronic devices is not allowed. Examples of essential use are research for handbook questions, Bible references, or anything that is helpful during an Awana meeting. This privilege, however, will be revoked for misuse, which will result in a parental discussion regarding the issue.

• Clubbers who are being unruly are reminded to follow the rules and given a chance to correct their behavior. If a clubber receives two warnings, he/she will have to sit out from all remaining activities for the rest of the evening.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15


Awana 2024-2025   Highlighted Events

Jul 31: Registration (online only)
Aug 7: Club resumes (registration continues)
Aug 28: Awana Jamboree
Sep 25: Build-A-Boat
Oct 23: Card Making for Pastor Appreciation
Oct 30: Church Leadership Visit / Bible Character
Nov 20: Count Your Blessings (Journals passed out)
Nov 27: NO meeting-Happy Thanksgiving!
Dec 6: Red Kettle Campaign (TnT/2nd grade Sparks)
Dec 18: Awana Christmas Party (Ugly Sweater or Christmas PJs)
Dec 25: NO meeting-Merry Christmas!
Jan 1: NO meeting-Happy New Year!
Jan 8: Awana resumes (Start pre for Verse Bee)
Jan 29: Verse Bee
Feb 12: Hearts 4 Jesus and Neon Night
Mar 19: Car Painting
March 26: Costa Rica Country
Apr 9: Grand Prix
May 7: Practice for Awana Ceremony (after Group time)
May 14: LAST night for Handbook sections / Practice for Awana Ceremony
May 18: SUNDAY End-of-the-Year Recognitions (during morning service @ 10:15 am)
May 21: End-of-the-Year Party (extended Activity time; Awana breaks for Summer...see you August 6th!)




CHILDREN’S SUMMER PROGRAM May 28th to July 30st (every Wednesday, except June 18th)

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 16th-19th (Say Yes! To VBS!)


*any changes will be announced in church or sent out via email, so be sure you’re signed up to receive church emails

Printable Documents