Discipleship Training Courses
We rotate through these courses during the 5 o'clock hour on Sunday
R.C. Sproul
Predestination is a debated topic. Yet the Bible is clear about the doctrine of election and its importance to our perspectives on God and man, and the nature of their contributions to salvation.
Because of the widespread neglect of this doctrine, many people cite Chosen By God not only as their introduction to Dr. Sproul's teaching, but also as the resource that profoundly shifted their attention to and understanding of the predestining grace of God. R.C. shows how election is entirely compatible with human freedom, dignity, and responsibility. One of Ligonier's most significant and popular series, Chosen by God shows why all serious Christians cannot afford to ignore this important biblical doctrine, but instead should embrace God's initiative in Salvation.
John MacArthur
Some people see Jesus' death as a tragedy. Others take it for granted. John MacArthur's 4-session curriculum carefully examines the details of Christ's crucifixion to reveal it for what it truly is---victory, not defeat!
R.C. Sproul
In Developing Christian Character, Dr. R.C. Sproul observes the apostle Paul's teaching on the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. He also addresses aspects of Christian growth, such as our assurance of salvation and our confidence in the sovereignty of God.
Twelve 30-minute messages:
- The Struggle for Spiritual Growth
- The Goal of Spiritual Growth
- The Priorities of Righteousness
- The Assurance of Salvation, (2 parts)
- The Indwelling Power of Love
- The Practice of Love
- Joy and Peace
- Long-suffering and Kindness
- Goodness and Faith
- Meekness and Self-control
- Growing to Maturity
Erwin Lutzer
The Garden was beautiful. Adam and Eve were in perfect Paradise. They co-existed in perfect happiness with God. But not for long. Just three chapters into the book of Genesis, we read these infamous words coming from Satan himself: "DID GOD REALLY SAY...?" Since the beginning of time, we have been tempted to doubt God, we've questioned God and His Word, and we've misunderstood God. And in the process, we have come to believe certain untruths - lies - about Him. One of the foremost theologians of our time, Erwin Lutzer, breaks down and confronts the 10 most common misunderstandings about God.
John MacArthur
Everywhere is apathy. Nobody cares whether that which is preached is true or false. A sermon is a sermon whatever the subject; only, the shorter it is the better."
Those words were written by Charles Spurgeon MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO! Yet, he might have just as easily been describing the state of the church at the beginning of the 21st Century.
Well, in this "tell-it-like-it-is" indictment of the attitudes, methods and approaches of much of the modern church, Pastor John MacArthur picks up where Charles Spurgeon left off.
This is 'MUST VIEWING" for the modern Christian.
Erwin Lutzer
Who Are You To Judge?" is a teaching based on the book by the same name. And it deals with the subject of discernment: the ability to distinguish the false from the true; or better, the false from the half true. Today (more than not) Mathew 7:1 (Do not judge, or you too will be judged")... is ripped out of its context, and applied as if it were meant to promote and teach blind, compromising "tolerance" of all sins as acceptable, and all viewpoints as necessarily equal in value. But our responsibility as members of the church is to distinguish biblical Christianity from the counterfeit spirituality and value's of today's world. Erwin Lutzer invites us on a journey to explore together how we might properly distinguish between truth, half-truths, and lies... so that we can learn how to "judge" in the biblical sense.
John MacArthur
Forgiveness brings heaven to earth and puts heaven's peace in our hearts. As John MacArthur describes, it is the most Godlike act a person can do. After all, if God has forgiven us, shouldn't we forgive others?
Tommy Nelson
"Romantic relationships affect everyone. Do we think that God has given us desire and passion without any instructions? Has God given us romance and tossed it to us like a grenade? Did He just say 'play around with it and you'll figure it out?' No, He has given us an entire book which deals with all of this and more. It's called The Song of Solomon."
William Fay
Share Jesus Without Fear will equip leaders to train persons to share their faith in Jesus with confidence and without fear. This easy-to-use, relational approach to witnessing teaches people that they cannot fail in sharing their faith if they depend on the power of God for the results. Participants discover ways to guide a witnessing conversation without fear of failure or rejection.
John MacArthur
Biblical parenting is superior to all the psychological and pragmatic models available today. A return to the simple Scriptural truths about parenting will revolutionize our church families. Moreover, it is the duty of all Christian parents to place themselves under the authority of God's Word and to model God's principles in their families. It is offered with the prayer that the Lord will use it to raise up a generation of families in which the Word of God is the focus, and in which a single-minded commitment to the authority of God's Word is passed on faithfully from generation to generation.